Happy customers, making more profit!

Sumatra Operational Intelligence empowers employees to make their daily work easier, smarter and more efficient.

Operational Intelligence is designed to enhance agility through better collaboration, and more timely data-driven decisions. Free yourself from complexity and over-reliance of spreadsheets, while better integrating strategy and operations for greater business insights.

Empower your Business Central and NAV customers with software that really adds value. From management to each of your employees in every department.

Working with Operational Intelligence saves time, increase speed and accuracy and gives deeper insights for better decisions making.

Saving time x better decisions = more profit.

About Sumatra Operational Intelligence

Sumatra Software is a pioneer of developing Operational Intelligence with more than 27 years of experience.

Our customers benefit from our software by saving time, focusing on important things and making better decisions.

Operational Intelligence enables managers and employees to work from smartly presented information. On top level you see what needs your attention and why. From here you easily navigate to all explaining details enabling you to make the right decision what to do.

Business Intelligence software is designed to visualise data for the management. Our software is designed to improve processes on every department by all employees as well as the managers. But wait there’s more: our software is also ideal for (consolidated) financial reporting & KPI Dashboards.

27 years of experience & 30.000 happy users

From our 27 years of experience we know that using Operational Intelligence leads to saving time and money. More than 30.000 users experience the benefits from working with Operational Intelligence each day. They are better informed, they can focus on relevant things, they work faster and more efficiently. All ingredients to not only make them happy, but their managers too! Read more on our referent story page.

Count on our expertise

Do you see the value for your customers, but you don’t have capacity? Our experienced consultants will support you. Make your customers happy with a full implementation, usually just 3 to 5 days, leading to better insights, better decisions and happy customers. Your customers can also use our forum and supportdesk.

Order a license for your customer

Fill out the order form and License registrationcard to order a license for your customer. The license will be shipped and invoiced by Companial. On of our senior consultants will contact your client for planning the installation and implementation.

We stopped using Excel & other quotes

  • Sumatra heeft de belofte volledig waargemaakt: realtime rapportages op onze operationele omgeving met een hoge performance | Roger Gorissen – MTB
  • Ik durfde niet te geloven dat wat de verkoper vertelde daadwerkelijk mogelijk was, maar de verwachting is meer dan waargemaakt! | Peter Ruigrok – AllGreen
  • Het is indrukwekkend wat de consultant van Sumatra in één dag heeft kunnen realiseren | Barry Hulshof – Nemaco
  • Voorheen was ik veel tijd kwijt aan het maken van Excel rapporten en bleef er minder tijd over voor het analyseren, met Sumatra is dit omgekeerd | Margreet Donkers – Palletcentrale (Foresco)
  • Met Sumatra hebben we realtime inzicht in resultaten en bedrijfsprocessen | Jan Pieter Rotte – Utilicht
  • Zichtbaar en duidelijk maken wat vaak verstopt zit in een wirwar van data. Sumatra verstaat deze kunst mede door de juiste mensen en technologie | Tim Dukers – Primex
  • De budgethouders kijken niet of nauwelijks in Business Central. De informatie in Sumatra is voor hen veel beter bruikbaar | Karel Bressers | MTB
  • Het grote voordeel van Sumatra is het in één overzicht, realtime data kan laten zien vanuit diverse systemen | Ric Meeuwisse – Sjaak van Schie
  • Veel bedrijven kijken naar wat het kost en niet naar wat het oplevert, wat niet terecht is. Wij verdienen minimaal het tienvoudige terug! | Raud Dijkstra – Empatec
Benefts for your customers
Happy customers, making more profit!
Make better decisions
Time saving
User friendly
Realtime insights
Short implementation (2-5 days)
More profit
Order a license for your customer
  • "We waren op zoek naar Business Intelligence en hebben meerdere oplossingen bekeken. Bij Sumatra hadden we direct een goed gevoel."

    Roger Gorissen | MTB

  • "Het navigeren met Sumatra werkt prettiger en sneller dan het opzoeken in Microsoft Dynamics."

    Margreet Donkers | Palletcentrale

  • "De budgethouders kijken niet of nauwelijks in Dynamics NAV. De informatie in Sumatra is voor hen veel beter bruikbaar."

    Karel Bressers | MTB

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+31 (0)70 514 45 14

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